Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Linnea Quigley - The Greatest Scream Queen? - Poché Pictures

Every horror fan worth his salt knows who Linnea Quigley is. When thinking of the label “scream queen” she is the first actress to come to mind.   Linnea was born in Davenport, Iowa but moved to Los Angeles after she graduated with her parents. Her father was Dr. William “Nip” Quigley a Dean of […]

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Pamela Gidley - Last of the Finest - Poché Pictures

Pamela Gidley received a little bit of a push in the b-movie genre and ultimately made her bones in Twin Peaks. Here we have a Brian Dennehy starred vehicle with three members of a suspended LA undercover drug team look for the killer of one of their fallen. It also includes Bill Paxton, Michael C. […]

Shannon Tweed - The Last Hour - Poché Pictures

Another strip teasing / erotic thriller from the amply endowed Shannon Tweed. This go around she plays the helpless ex-wife of Michael Pare who held hostage in a building by a bunch of “ruthless gangsters”. Pare does his best Bruce Willis impersonation in ersatz version of Die Hard. Meanwhile, check out our latest exploitation thriller […]

Joe Spinell - The Last Horror Film - Poché Pictures

Joe Spinell is the favorite of a lot of cult horror fans. Here he plays a taxi driver who dreams of making a vampire film. He’s a momma’s boy who does what he’s told except in his imagination, a place where he fantasizes about horror queen Carolin Munro. The film would be produced in 1981 […]

Bryan Brown - The Last Hit - Poché Pictures

Bryan Brown was one of my Dad’s favorite actors…A sort of everyman who uses his wit to solve his troubles. This go around he plays a former CIA hitman who goes to New Mexico for some normalcy. While there he gets the hots for Brooke Adams but unfortunately her father is part of some unfinished […]

Roy Scheider - The Last Embrace - Poché Pictures

Roy Scheider continues to try and capitalize on his Jaws fame, this time working as an undercover government agent. He has a psychological issues and unwittingly becomes involved in a mystery murder involving Janet Margolin in New York City. It features a stellar cast of the era such as John Glover, Charles Napier, Christopher Walken […]

Shannon Tweed - The Last Call - Poché Pictures

Shannon Tweed plays a stripper who throws knives at teddy bears as part of her lap dancing schtick. William Katt employs her to get back at some low level mobsters who had cheated him out of a real estate deal. Tweed does what she’s paid to do and strips down for sex and dance scenes. […]